Unique Prize Draw offers more chances to WIN
We’ve just added 5 new prizes to our WANT ME? WIN Me! Instrumental Art Raffle – which means more chances for yoU to win!!!
Win one of these 15 amazing and totally unique pieces of Instrumental Art in our WANT ME? WIN ME! Raffle.
Tickets are just €3. each and available from our Online Shop – Buy your tickets NOW!
For every 333 tickets sold we will draw a winning name, until all 15 totally cool prizes have been won. We have limited the total number of tickets to just 5,000 so the odds of winning are very attractive.
Will you help us raise vital funds to continue our valuable service, offering vulnerable at-risk children with access to weekly music lessons, practise sessions and specialist music workshops?
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when is the actual draw going to take place?
Hi Louis! Ticket sales have been very slow, hence no draw yet. We will be selling remaining tickets at the Soul Festival in Merrion Square Park on 25 & 26 May. We will also be adding some more prizes to the draw so you’ll have more chances to win!